Column-Free Immunomagnetic Cell Isolation

MARS® Bar System
A new standard for automated cell isolation, offering cost-effective solutions and unmatched performance for cutting-edge research and clinical applications.
Key features
Designed to optimize workflows seamlessly from the RUO lab bench to the clean rooms, MARS Bar provides flexibility and scalability, facilitating effortless protocol optimization on both small and large scales. Accommodating various sample types and volumes with minimal hands-on time, the system guarantees high purity and recovery rates while prioritizing gentle treatment to preserve cell viability.

Streamlined upscaling
Seamless transition from lab bench
to clean room.

Suited for a broad range of samples, volumes, and reagents.

Low sample and reagent consumption, with no need for dedicated columns.
Parallel Isolation
Large Scale (Bag-In-Bag-Out)
Applied Cells column-free technology
Our in-flow technology of column-free immunomagnetic separation provides a highly flexible, scalable, and cost-effective solution for cell separation. MARS magnetic separation eliminates the need for a matrix columns, reducing cell loss and delivering high cell purity and excellent recoveries for various samples.
The MARS® Mag modules are supported by optimized protocols for automated cell enrichment or depletion, ensuring assay reproducibility. The technology also boasts unlimited capacity, as the captured cells are eluted cyclically at pre-defined time intervals until all cells are separated.
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Supporting your journey

Plasma Cell Isolation
Uncover new insights in Multiple Myeloma research through efficient CD138+ cell isolation.
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Stem Cell Isolation
Transform the isolation of CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), maximizing purity and recovery.