Mass Cytometry
Comprehensive solution for sample preparation
Efficient Sample Preparation for CyTOF
Mass cytometry, referred to as cytometry by Time-Of-Flight (CyTOF®), is a powerful technology for high-dimensional and high-throughput single-cell assays. CyTOF has been broadly used across applications including immunophenotyping for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, tumor microenvironment, and cancer immunotherapy.1
CyTOF allows for analysis of up to 60 parameters simultaneously. This capability comes with complexity in sample preparation, where cell number, purity of cells and buffer are crucial for high-quality data. MARS Pre-CyTOF buffer together with MARS SP acoustic wash support CyTOF users in gentle, efficient sample preparation.
2. CyTOF® is a trademark (™) and/or registered trademark (®) of Fluidigm Corporation or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.
Acoustic wash for simplified sample preparation
Acoustic debris removal is a label-free method that relies on acoustic waves to separate cells based on their physical properties, such as size and density.
Acoustic debris removal offers ease of operation, gentle sample processing and high purity of separated cells. It is therefore useful for handling fragile cell types.

The MARS SP workflow offers gentle sample handling without the need for centrifugation. It ensures high recovery and viability of enriched cells while minimizing the use of reagents and hands-on time.
Label-free white blood cell separation from RBC and debris based on the difference in physical parameters ensures gentle cell treatment.